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Mission Statement and Educational Objectives


  • 培養具有專業素養、服務熱忱和高度認同感的職能治療專業人員。

  • 積極培養次領域能力,如娛樂治療、研究、或輔具評量設計與研發等。


The Department of Occupational Therapy aims to train professional and qualified occupational therapists. Our educational objectives include the following: Training professional, enthusiastic, and highly committed occupational therapists. Cultivating various divisions of occupational therapy, such as recreational therapy, research, and the investigation and design of assistive devices.



         時間                                歷任系主任

2004.8~2005.4    由康淑美副教授擔任本系第一任系主任

2005.5~2005.7    由當時醫學院副院長蕭淑貞教授兼任系主任代理

2005.8~2008.1    由周映慧助理教授擔任代理系主任

2008.2~2011.7    由江心瑜助理教授擔任代理系主任

2011.8~2014.8    由蘇佳廷副教授擔任系主任

2014.8~迄今        由劉倩秀副教授擔任系主任


The need for occupational therapy (OT) has increased recently to meet the demands posed by the increasing numbers of the elderly, patients with mental disorders, premature infants, and high-risk newborns. To meet the need for more well-trained professional therapists, the former Chair of the College of Medicine of FJU, Sister Mary Ann, organized the OT department and applied to the Ministry of Education for authorization. Once that authorization was granted, the Department of Occupational Therapy was founded in 2004, and enrollment began in the same year.

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