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  1. 本系學生可在四年內培養出「娛樂治療」、「研究」或「輔具評量設計與研發」等次領域能力,畢業後將更具競爭力。

  2. 本系是全國職能治療系中第一所舉辦「加袍暨佩章典禮儀式」的學系,讓大四實習學生在進入醫院臨床學習時能負起醫療服務的使命。

  3. 本系國考考照率在國內名列前茅。

  4. 本系畢業生表現優異:本系成立歷史不久,但畢業生不管在升學或就業,遍佈國內外各地,表現優異,廣獲各界好評。如在新光、慈濟、雙和、萬芳醫院等大型醫院都有本系畢業生服務。台大、長庚、陽明、New York University等大學研究所也有本系畢業生。

  5. 本系通過「世界職能治療師聯盟」國際課程認證,可直接與國際接軌。

Department Features

During the four-year program, students are expected to specialize in a subfield of OT, such as recreational therapy, research, or the investigation and design of assistive devices. This narrower focus creates graduates who are highly qualified and efficient in their fields. The FJU Department of Occupational Therapy is the first department of occupational therapy in Taiwan to hold the White Coat Ceremony, which promotes responsibility and maturity in fourth year students during their internships. The percentage of graduates who pass the Professional and Technical Special Examination for Occupational Therapists of the R.O.C. is among the highest in Taiwan. Graduates of the OT department of FJU perform well in their field. Despite the short history of the department, our graduates are widely praised. Our graduates go on to work for reputable hospitals and medical centers, such as Shin Kong Hospital, Tzu Chi Hospital, Shuang Ho Hospital, and Wan Fan Hospital. Many of our graduates pursue advanced study at renowned graduate schools such as National Taiwan University, Chang Gung University, National Yang-Ming University, and New York University. The OT department was awarded International Course Certification by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists in 2012 , connecting it to an international network of occupational therapists.

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